Wednesday, 17 November 2010

What have I found out about magazine front covers

Using my research into existing media products of magazine front covers I can draw some conclusions from my research:

Key similarities Between the magazine front covers
  • Magazine front covers are all about trying to catch an audiences attention . If the front cover catches somebody eye then they are a lot more likely to buy the magazine. This is achieved by using a large interesting image as the centre of your cover. An image that does not give much away about the film but acts as an an enigma code to intrigue the audience.
  • All front covers have paid detail attention to the Mashhead which is another important part of the front covers structure. it must be bold and stand out to an audience. Font , text size and colour will all help identify who the target audience of the magazine is aimed at and also what type of magazine it is . e.g Film magazine or a children's magazine
  • The majority of magazine front covers have secondary features to them to compliment the main feature. These must be chosen carefully as they must directly link in and compliment the chosen main feature. It may also be wide to make sure all the features are directed at the same target audience , this means that a targeted audience member will like at least one of the features.
  • All Magazine front covers I have analysed include key features like a masthead , pugs , price/issue, banners , puffs and a skyline.

Key differences between the magazine front covers

  • All of the magazine front covers i have analysed all target a different target audience and will therefore be different to suite their target audience. For example the 'Fangoria' is a magazine targeted toward an audience who enjoy horror movies. They therefore adjust every aspect of the magazine front cover like colours used (red) text used (Blood like) and images used (gory).
  • All of the film magazines have a different USP to attract an audience. For example 'Empire' magazine uses the well known franchise name of batman to attract an audience whereas 'entertainment weekly' uses the well known name of an actor to sell the magazine and promote the magazine.

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